温天旺,男,江西宜春人,1991年4月出生,中共党员,博士。2014-2019年在华中农业大学硕博连读并获得华中农业大学优秀博士论文,曾以第一作者或共同作者发表文章于Plant Biotechnology Journal, Plant Journal和Crop Journal等。目前主要从事《现代农业》相关教学工作和棉花遗传育种研究,致力于棉花功能基因挖掘和机理解析。
2010.09-2014.06 云南农业大学,农学,本科
2014.09-2019.12 华中农业大学,作物遗传育种,硕博连读
2020.01-至今 江西农业大学,农学院,讲师
1. Wen T; Wu M; Shen C; Gao B; Zhu D; Zhang X; You C*; Lin Z*. Linkage and association mapping reveals the genetic basis of brown fibre (Gossypium hirsutum), Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2018, 16: 1654-1666.
2. Nie X#; Wen T#; Shao P; Tang B; Nuriman-guli A; Yu Y; Du X*; You C*; Lin Z*. High-density genetic variation maps reveal the correlation between asymmetric interspecific introgressions and improvement of agronomic traits in Upland and Pima cotton varieties developed in Xinjiang, China, Plant Journal, 2020, 103: 667-689.
3. Wen T; Dai B; Wang T; Liu X; You C*; Lin Z*. Genetic variations in plant architecture traits in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) revealed by a genome-wide association study, Crop Journal, 2019, 7: 209-216.
4. Wen T; Yao T; You C*; Lin Z*. A case study of a micro-inversion event in dark brown fibre cotton (Gossypium hirsutum), Crop Journal, 2020, 8: 577-585.
5. Wen T; Liu C; Wang T; Wang M; Tang F; He L. Genomic mapping and identifcation of candidate genes encoding nulliplex-branch trait in sea-island cotton (Gossypium barbadense L.) by multi-omics analysis, Mol Breeding, 2021, 41:34.
6. 温天旺; 朱宏; 玉坎炳; 李振仙; 杨宾娟; 汤飞宇. 陆地棉与四个四倍体棉的遗传渐渗及QTL定位研究进展, 植物资源学报, DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr. 20211006001.
7. 吴迷, 汪念, 沈超, 黄聪, 温天旺, 林忠旭. 基于重测序的陆地棉InDel标记开发与评价, 作物学报, 2019, 45:196-203.
8. Huang C, Shen C, Wen T, Gao B, Zhu, Li X, Ahmed MM, Li D, Lin Z. SSR-based association mapping of fiber quality in upland cotton using an eight-way MAGIC population, Mol Genet Genomics, 2018, 293:793-805.
9. Wang L, Liu N, Wang T, Li J, Wen T, Yang X, Lindsey K, Zhang X. The GhmiR157a-GhSPL10 regulatory module controls initial cellular dedifferentiation and callus proliferation in cotton by modulating ethylene-mediated flavonoid biosynthesis, J Exp Bot, 2018, 69:1081-1093.
10. Huang C, Shen C, Wen T et al. Genome-wide association mapping for agronomic traits in an 8-way Upland cotton MAGIC population by SLAF-seq, Theor Appl Genet, 2021, 134(9): 2459-2468.
11. Wang N, Zhang B, Yao T, Shen C, Wen T et al. Re enhances anthocyanin and proanthocyanidin accumulation to produce red foliated cotton and brown fiber, Plant Physiol, 2022, 189(3): 1466-1481.
12. Gao B, Ren G, Wen T et al. A super PPR cluster for restoring fertility revealed by genetic mapping, homocap-seq and de novo assembly in cotton, Theor Appl Genet, 2022, 135(2): 637-652.
1. Wen T; Wu M; Shen C; Zhu D; Zhang X; You C; Lin Z; Two linkage loci affect the colour and agronomic traits of brown fibre (Gossypium hirsutum). 12th congress of the international plant molecular biology, 15-minute oral presentation, Montpellier, France, August 5-11, 2018.
2. 温天旺; 吴迷; 沈超; 高斌; 祝德; 尤春源; 林忠旭; 深棕色棉中的并发性遗传变异分析. 第一届南湖论坛, 口头报告, 湖北武汉, 2018.12.8-9.
3. 温天旺; 林忠旭; 棕色棉遗传基础解析, 第十二届长三角作物学博士论坛, 口头报告, 江苏扬州, 2019.11.9-10.
1. 林忠旭, 张献龙, 温天旺, 吴迷. 一种鉴别深棕色棉花的分子标记. 中国专利. 专利号: 201710750264.2
1. 中央高校基本科研业务费项目, 培育专项, 2662015PY097, 棉花棕色纤维基因图位克隆、功能与等位基因变异解析, 2015-09至2017-09, 15万, 已结题, 参与.