2001,9-2004,7 中国农业大学生物学院 获理学博士学位
1998,9-2001,7 中国农业大学农学与生物技术学院获农学硕士学位
1988,9-1992,7 江西农业大学农学系 获农学学士学位
2011,10~至今 江西农业大学农学院教授, 博导
2005.10~2011,10 江西农业大学农学院 副教授;
2006,7-2009,4 南京农业大学棉花研究所博士后
1998,9~2005,9 江西农业大学职业师范学院 讲师;
1996,2-1997,2 日本国爱知县海部郡农协 农业研修;
1992,7~1998,8 江西农业大学职业师范学院 助教.
陆地棉棉铃与纤维发育, 棉花抗逆栽培生理, 高品质棉花新品种培育, 棉花高效节本简化栽培.
1、国家自然科学基金--陆地棉茎根贮藏碳再动员的生理机制与调控,2020/01-2023/12. (项目编号:31960385)
2、国家自然科学基金- 陆地棉碳代谢酶协同表达对种子-纤维库碳分配的影响及与衣分形成的关系,2016/01-2019/12. 主持. (项目编号:31560364)
3、国家自然科学基金-花铃期土壤水分亏缺对陆地棉纤维伸长的影响及其生理机制,2013/01-2016/12. 主持.(项目编号:31260302)
4、国家自然科学基金-高品质陆地棉单铃纤维重与棉铃碳代谢的关系,2011/01-2013/12, 主持(项目编号:31060177)
5、江西省科技支撑计划-高品质抗虫杂交棉新品种的选育与示范. 2009/01-2011/12, 主持.(项目编号:2009BNA03800, 20112BBF60024)
(1)Haihua Luo, Gong Chen, Deyi Shao, Xin Gao, Changkai Yuan, Jinjian Peng, Feiyu Tang *. Genotypic differences in sucrose metabolism with cotton bolls in relation to lint percentage. Field Crops Research, 2019, 236: 33-41. * corresponding author SCI
(2)Gong Chen, Haihua Luo, Xin Gao, Changkai Yuan, Jinjian Peng & Feiyu Tang*. Effects of late planting on fiber quality and withinboll yield components as mediated by sucrose metabolism in cotton bolls. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 2019, DOI:10.1080/03650340.2019.1666210. * corresponding author SCI
(3)Feiyu Tang, Jianmei Zhu, Tao Wang, Deyi Shao. Water deficit effects on carbon metabolism in cotton fibers during fiber elongation phase. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2017, 39(3), 1-9 SCI
(4)Feiyu Tang, Li Chen, Deyi Shao, Tao Wang, Meiliang Zhang. Nonstructural carbohydrates in leaves subtending cotton bolls, fibers and embryos in response to nitrogen stress. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, 2017, 64(6): 763-775. SCI
(5)Tang F.-Y., Mo W.-C., Xiao W.-J. Genetic effects of high fibre strength breeding lines in crosses with transgenic Bt cotton cultivars (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Czech J. Genet. Plant Breed., 2016, 52: 14–21. SCI
(6)DEYI SHAO, TAO WANG, HAIPING ZHANG, JIANMEI ZHU AND FEIYU TANG*. Variation, Heritability and Association of Yield, Fiber and Morphological Traits in a Near Long Staple Upland Cotton population. Pak. J. Bot., 48(5): 1945-1949, 2016. SCI * corresponding author
(7)Shi Y, Li W, Li A, Ge R, Zhang B, Li J, Liu G, Li J, Liu A, Shang H, Gong J, Gong W, Yang Z, Tang F, Liu Z, Zhu W, Jiang J, Yu X, Wang T, Wang W, Chen T, Wang K, Zhang Z, Yuan Y (2015) Constructing a high-density linkage map for Gossypium hirsutum × Gossypium barbadense and identifying QTLs for lint percentage. J Integr Plant Biol, 2015, 57: 450–467. SCI
(8)Feiyu Tang, Wangcheng Mo, Wenjun Xiao. Development of near long staple upland cotton lines derived from multiple crosses. Bothalia Journal, 2015, 45(5):35-49.SCI
(9)Feiyu Tang, Wenjun Xiao. Genetic association of within-boll yield components and boll morphological traits with fibre properties in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Plant Breeding, 2014, 133, 521-529. SCI
(10)Feiyu Tang, Tao Wang, Jianmei Zhu. Carbohydrate profiles during cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) boll development and their relationships to boll characters. Field Crops Research, 2014, 164, 98-106. SCI
(11)Feiyu Tang, Wenjun Xiao. Dry matter accumulation and partitioning in various fractions of cotton bolls. Experimental Agriculture. 2013, 49(4):543-555. SCI
(12)Feiyu Tang, Wenjun Xiao. Genetic effects and heterosis of within-boll yield components in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Euphytica, 2013, 194:41-51.SCI
(13)TANG Feiyu, FU Xueqin, MO Wangcheng, XIAO Wenjun. Performance of yield components and morphological traits and their relationships of the lint yield in Bt cotton (Gossypium hirsutum ) hybrids. International Journal of Agriculture & Biology, 2012, 14(3):360-364. SCI
(14)邵德意,罗海华,陈功,刘云涛,高欣,汤飞宇*. 花铃期土壤干旱对棉花叶片抗氧化及光合作用的影响. 棉花学报, 2018,30(2):155-163. * 通讯作者
(15)李顺喜, 陈功, 彭金剑, 陈绿绿, 高川, 汤飞宇*. 播期和密度对红壤旱地直播棉花产量及纤维品质的影响. 湖北农业科学, 2017, 56(3):425-428. * 通讯作者
(16)罗海华, 邵德意, 陈功, 徐秀敏, 高欣, 袁长凯, 彭金剑,汤飞宇*. 陆地棉常规品种(系)与杂交组合性状相关性的比较分析. 作物杂志, 2017(5):31-37. * 通讯作者
(17)李顺喜,陈功,陈绿绿,彭金剑,高川,汤飞宇*. 陆地型中长绒棉新品系比较试验. 棉花科学,2015,37 (4) : 35-39. * 通讯作者
(18)莫旺成, 汤飞宇*. 陆地棉铃-叶系统干物质重发育的杂种优势分析. 湖北农业科学, 2013, 52(4):766-770. * 通讯作者
(19)汤飞宇, 王晓芳, 莫旺成, 肖小红, 肖文俊. 陆地棉棉铃与纤维品质性状的遗传协方差分析. 核农学报, 2013, 27(9): 1285-1292.
(20)王晓芳, 莫旺成, 肖小红, 肖文俊,汤飞宇*. 陆地棉棉铃性状的基因型差异及与产量的关系. 中国农学通报, 2013, 29(33): 259-264. * 通讯作者
(21)莫旺成, 汤飞宇*, 肖文俊. 高品质陆地棉铃-叶系统干物质质量的发育遗传研究. 棉花学报, 2012, 24(2): 140-146. * 通讯作者