2018.07 至今江西农业大学农学院从事教学与科研工作
江西省教育厅项目:水稻OsGIF2 基因的功能研究 2019.1-2021.12
(1)Cai Y#, Li S#, Jiao G, Sheng Z, Wu Y, Shao G, Xie L, Peng C , Xu J , Tang S , Wei X*, Hu P*. OsPK2 encodes a plastidic pyruvate kinase involved in rice endosperm starch synthesis, compound granule formation and grain filling [J]. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2018, 16(11):1878-1891.
(2)Chao S#, Cai Y#, Feng B, Jiao G, Sheng Z, Luo J, Tang S, Wang J, Wei X*, Hu P*. Editing of the rice isoamylase gene ISA1 provides insights into its function in starch formation [J]. Rice Science. 2019, 26(02):14-24.
(3)Chen W , Sheng Z , Cai Y , Li Q , Wei X , Xie L , Jiao G , Shao G , Tang S , Wang J*, Hu P*. Rice morphogenesis and chlorophyll accumulation is regulated by the protein encoded by NRL3 and its interaction with NAL9 [J]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2019, 10.
(4)Xie H , Peng X , Qian M , Cai Y, Ding X, Chen Q, Cai Q , Zhu Y , Yan L*, Cai Y*. The chimeric mitochondrial gene orf182 causes non-pollen-type abortion in Dongxiang cytoplasmic male-sterile rice [J]. Plant Journal for Cell & Molecular Biology, 2018. 95(4), 715–726.
(5)孙园园,蔡怡聪,谢黎虹,焦桂爱,魏祥进,圣忠华,唐绍清,胡培松. 近红外光谱分析技术在稻米品质测定和遗传分析中应用研究概述. 中国稻米, 2016, 22 ( 6) : 1-3.